Level Design

Level Design

Hi, I'm Andy, and today I want to talk about the level design process for our game, Stay Hidden.

Design Process

When I start designing a level, I begin with pencil and paper. Before sketching anything, I outline the room's theme and decide on the mechanics I want to implement. I draw small sections of the level in my sketchbook, focusing on the puzzles and how they'll function. Once I've figured out the core mechanics, I create a rough layout of the entire level using basic shapes to represent various game elements, which I then plot onto the design.

Block Out

With a rough layout, I move to Unity, where I block out the level. There are no textures during this phase—just black squares to mark out the areas. I also add different elements, puzzles, and the player model to the stage for testing.


In most cases, I need to refine the layout or adjust puzzles to improve gameplay. The level goes through extensive testing during this stage to address any issues. After that, I added tile maps to the design to bring the level closer to completion.

The levels

In Stay Hidden, the player explores a mansion divided into five levels: Attic, Green Room, Kitchen, Living Room, and Basement. The first two levels are straightforward introductions that teach the player basic movement and mechanics.

As the game progresses, puzzles become more complex. The player will face challenges like navigating obstacles, solving locked doors, finding hidden items, and avoiding detection by Humans and their traps. We've incorporated multiple elevations and alternate paths to keep the levels from feeling too linear, encouraging exploration. Throughout the house, interactive items will provide more insight into the mansion's history and its occupants.

Visual Design

The layout is crucial, but the visual design is equally important. Each level has its unique theme and atmosphere. Still, we've kept a consistent art style throughout the game to create a unified experience.

As we continue developing the game, we'll share screenshots and gameplay on our social media pages, so stay tuned for updates!


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